Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It is looking like a car again. The hinges were mounted on their new metal and ready for the hood. Good news on the hood - it actually needs nothing but sanding - solid with zero rust, dents or chips. Should go back together easy.

Drivers rear quarter is done and ready for final sanding then paint.

Drivers side fender was installed - needs only a light sanding with 600. Then the door will be prep with putty and primered. I expect to be at paint stage by August.

Just a few low spots on the replacement quarter. Long straight lines are not very forgiving but I am 90% there.

The door was smoothed out too. It was a heck of allot of sanding but it looks great. I am very pleased with the way it turned out. The fender and door are both complete and ready for paint. Final sand was with 600 grit. The rear quarter still needs one more block sanding and it will also be completed. A few more days and I am on the Drivers side.

Body work and rebuild time

It was a busy week. I managed to take advantage of both the weekend and Canada Day to leap frog ahead. The front end was installed, Fender was primered and putty applied, sanded then repeated.