Saturday, June 20, 2009

The quarter gets its first coat of primer - Do we see the light at the end of the tunnel????

The quarter panel has three coats of filler to straighten it out. After two weeks of sanding for an hour here and there I finally sprayed the first coat of primer tonight on the quarter. It will now be block sanded to find low spots and then putty applied where needed. The panel looks wavy in this pic only because it was sprayed lightly with a can. In fact the panel is actually pretty straight already so the next step should be easy.

Filler time

The filler has been applied to both quarters. Three coats and allot of sanding in between and it is ready for primer, block sanding and putty coats.

The rain gutter is now painted on the repair piece to prevent rust. The whole thing will be painted prior to the installation of the interior.

The tail piece is installed - now it gets dusty - time for body filler to smooth the new piece in as well as the quarter panel on the other side.